Translation for your convience

Monday, August 5, 2013

Bit off more than I can chew? asked for back to school articles. I thought about what might be written and decided I needed to be quick in my response to prevent coming in at the end of the line. They have 529 authors. I also considered many school subjects and decided to write about homeschooling. I've been homeschooling for 18 years and knew my knowledge would be useful. Here are the four articles I wrote:

5 reasons why homeschooling may be for your family. I wrote this one as an introduction to the idea of homeschooling and to help those considering homeschooling. One thing that is great about this article is it is also on the, Arizona's Home Page website.

Homeschooling: 5 steps to creating a successful program. This article helps those who decided to homeschool through the beginning steps of setting up their family homeschool program.

Which homeschool method is right for your family? A good homeschool program requires choosing the method and curriculum. This article discusses different types of methods to help in the decision making process.

5 steps for choosing your family's homeschooling curriculum. Once you've decided on your method, curriculum choices are easier since many methods use specific curricula.

They listed these beginning July 27th, with the last listed on August 3rd, and have been viewed, as of publication, over 1600 times.

Two more articles have been published in the South Dade News Leader.

Residents Voice Concern over FPL Power Lines. I attended a hearing, with some background, and was impressed with the control I saw compared to some gatherings where the public is permitted to express their opinions. Many were upset and kept their control, some with difficulty. Perhaps it was because of the setting--a judge, court reporters and lawyers.

Locals Become Certified in Emergency Response. This was a fun class. I learned a lot about preparation and prevention. I think all communities should have CERT response teams. Going to work on getting some in the Homestead/Florida City area. A follow-up article will be written.

I have three articles to write for this Friday's paper and a call to do one more. I'll have to wait and see. The three I need to write are pretty involved. Full of great news, emotions and a need to know. But how to get them on paper without putting in my feelings.

We, the paper and the freelance authors, are considering regular columns. We have to hash out how often and what subjects.

Now I'll explain the title. I haven't been writing as often as one should on their blog and, as you can see above, I've been all over the place collecting information. In the middle of this, our son ended up hospitalized with a severe infection. We've gotten through it all and he's recovering well. Now to get through this week.

I have done nothing for assignment 8. I didn't even notify my teacher this time. Don't know when I'll get to either. I've lots of ideas for the blog and all I've done so far is give stats.

Learning to juggle a freelance life with home life. This is the last week of volunteering for the children. Summer camp will be over. We'll spend next week getting ready for the start of school season and cleaning house. We will also be using the preparation techniques given in the CERT class to confirm our home is safe and we are prepared for a disaster. (We have to be. We see hurricanes here and are a short distance from a nuclear plant.)

And I'm still having more fun than one ought to reading, writing, submitting, researching and getting published (even with the load explained above). Guess I'll worry more when the fun is gone.