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Saturday, January 14, 2012

Assignment 2

Assignment 2 is a 750 - 1000 fiction story. Yesterday and today I've been reading the recommended reading. I really like Trucks by Amy Bechtel and the ending of Mrs. Comfrey Wins by Patricia Windsor. The author Carol Parker writes short stories with twists at the end. I love that type of ending. Always so unexpected. Even after reading her stories for the past 5 years. I've also gone to the student center and read about characters, craft and technique and plotting the 1000 word story.

My mind is churning with ideas. Will update Monday.

Have a great weekend.


Landolphe D'Aquin said...

Will "Trucks" be an adequate model for this assignment? Does it have a strong, FLORIDLY DESCRIBED, central character? Good story, though, in any event.

Author Dennise Sleeper said...

LOL. No, but "Trucks" is a good story to follow structure.

Landolphe D'Aquin said...

Yes. Trucks sort of kept the reader in suspense until the end. Not easy to do in a short, short story.