Translation for your convience

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Doing Better

Spent all day working on my writing.

First, I decided to submit a flash fiction to FictionBrigade. So I dug out and dusted off a piece that came to me in the middle of the night a couple of years ago. I polished it, nice and shiny, prepared it for submission and submitted it.

Second, I made the recommended changes to Assignment 2. Was working on that until 10:00 pm as I was tutoring from 6:00 pm until then. So I had to squeeze in the changes.

Third, I also squeezed in some time with Assignment 3. Read it to a friend and made a couple of minor changes. I think I'll spend today preparing it for submission and getting it winging its way to CT.  If I have time, I'll also finish gathering the jokes for a comedy writing book I'm reading. (It's a rainy day and unfortunately that means slow business)

I also came across this excellent article. Most of the recommendations I'm already doing. I added them to my checklist I do after I'm done revising as part of my editing and polishing. Great ideas and great examples. Check it out:

Happy writing.


Landolphe D'Aquin said...

Those 'middle-of-the-night' inspirations are often wonderful—if you can only remember them.

Landolphe D'Aquin said...

Flash Fiction is delightful, but is a very demanding format.