Translation for your convience

Monday, May 14, 2012

Creative Non-Fiction

Welcome to Terri Bailey, our latest follower.

I'm reading and working really hard to perfect this category in my writing. I spent most of the day checking sites to better understand creative non-fiction.

A fellow student felt the same about trying to place his creative non-fiction piece. As stated earlier, I know I'll find a place even if I have to be creative in my query. Anyway, here are some links to consider as offered by the Long Ridge Writer's Group Newsletter:

Yesterday's MagazineMidwest TodayThemed Publications,  BrevityThe Sun

Contests to consider in the future:

Fourth genreGulf Coast

And, as before, we must stay with our intended program-growth in the field of writing. So here's an excellent article on Writing Articles That Sell at the site by Donna Ippolito. The book Writing Creative Nonfiction by Philip Gerard, published by Story Press was also a recommended read.

Now to continue checking, one by one, each magazine in The Best Magazine Markets for Writers 2012

Happy writing, revising, researching and submitting 

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