Translation for your convience

Friday, October 12, 2012

Nancy Hall's update

I received this via email this morning and thought I'd share.

"Here's an update on my short story in the Luscious collection.

The collection was published mid-August. They informed me early-September they were closing shop. Anyway, I figured I had my 15 minutes. Today I received this email:

"Just thought you'd like to know FictionBrigade sent you $1.07 USD"

I guess, in the two to three weeks it was up, they sold some copies. Enough anyway for 20 authors to receive some compensation.

I'm smiling like the Cheshire Cat. I've received my first payment as an author. Can't get any better and with a clear sky today, I can't fly with the clouds, but I'm going to try!

It's still up at and their site
if you want to check it out.

It even has a review from Kirkus Reviews! "When you’d rather have a quick shot of fiction than linger over a long tale, knock back one of these 20 very short stories—plus one artwork—on love, sex, and relationships." Buy "Luscious" today!"

 So, keep submitting, marketing and writing. You and I'll get our first paychecks too.

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