Translation for your convience

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Found a website that is looking for writers

Deseret Digital Media (owned by the LDS church) is launching a new site called It is all about building and strengthening families throughout the world.

They are looking for writers who can produce 20 articles per month. Pay
is $10 per article, dependent on quality. This is an ongoing, freelance position.

If you are interested, please submit a resume, cover letter, and writing sample to by December 3rd.

In your cover letter, please specify your native language AND which of the following topics you are qualified to write about: pregnancy, baby, kids, teens, character, activities, school, marriage, family fun, safety, money wise, health, addiction, home life, personal growth, grandparents, and memories.

For your writing sample, please write a 600 – 1,000 word article about how to show love to your children. For examples, please visit

Also, If you've written a picture book, go here and sign up to win a free edit

Good luck.

Happy writing, submitting and finding a writing job.

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