It's late and going to be cold tonight. For some reason the dogs decided to use my bed instead of going outside. To keep warm, we pulled down the sleeping bags. I don't have duplicate warm blankets. The ones I have are now waiting for the wash.
I always start my stories on paper. When the story is ready to be transferred into the computer, I type it in and make changes as I go. I usually call that the first version. I'll let it set and do other things tomorrow while my brain concentrates on the story. I'll work on it a couple more times and then read it at The Lamplighters (our local author's group). It's the prompt for The First Line spring prompt. I titled it "Like Father, Like Son."
Came across this article "6 Ways to Promote Your Book on a Budget." It's full of links that will give you ideas and solutions to promoting your book. If you're at this stage now, take a look. If not, bookmark the page for when you are. Lots of great information in one place that will save some google time.
It's bedtime. Goodnight. Pleasant dreams that move your stories along.
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