Translation for your convience

Monday, February 11, 2013

Second article is written and ready for revision

Despite everything this day tried to do to prevent me from accomplishing my goal of a first draft, I did it. My second article for is ready for revision and meeting the Lamplighters later this week.

I've signed up for a couple more and I think I'll get the third one ready as well. If they don't want it, I'll submit it somewhere else. It's an article that will fit many places.

I spent a wonderful evening with friends last night. Our good friend, Richard Button, wrote a song, Cadillac, and directed a video. Several of our friends participated as musicians and dancers and behind the scenes. It's a fun video and one worth watching. Hope you clicked on Cadillac above and are on the floor laughing; especially after you read the disclaimer at the end.

Patiently waiting for assignment 6 to come back. This one took a really long time due to the closing of the bookstore and the research needed, so I hope I did well with the story. Only six more assignments and I'll be finished with this course.

It's getting late and I need to get some sleep. Tomorrow is another busy day.

Happy reading, writing, revising and submitting.

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