Translation for your convience

Friday, July 19, 2013

Freelancing ups and downs

How about the downs first because many remember the second choices better.

I've written several articles, articles that were requested, and have been told they're good and exactly what was wanted. What is down about this? I don't get paid unless they're printed and many haven't found their way into their periodicals. Many are time sensitive and some were time and mental consuming, and therefore not eligible to go somewhere else or into a later edition.

The good news. My latest and most difficult article did make it into the South Dade News Leader.

The other articles I've written may find their way into stories as I write them and the efforts have definitely helped me learn and grow both in my writing and in knowledge. As one author friend said, "It's all part of freelance writing." (well, I guess I threw in some good stuff here too)

Now for the ups.

Articles published at

6 ways to develop your talents I wrote this from the following quote I received on my FB news feed, "I'm going to use all my tools, my God-given ability, and make the best life I can with it." LeBron James.

Who is my neighbor?  The idea for this article came from a FB post about Blessing Bags. I thought it'd be a great family service project. "when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God." Mosiah 2:17 And I began to think about families and how they should be included in the answer, Who is my neighbor?

Shared joy is double joy I came across the Swedish Proverb "Shared joy is a double joy -shared sorrow is half a sorrow," and thought I'd like to write an uplifting article about the shared joy. In my research I found some pretty convincing stuff for this. Click on the title and see for yourself.

Article published in the South Dade News Leader

County Cuts Funding to Animal Services. This article came about because 65% of Miami-Dade residents voted for funding to Animal Services and the mayor chose to ignore them and cut it out of the budget.

I have articles in various stages of publication--writing, querying, editing, waiting for publication date. I'll keep you updated as always.Come back often or check out my current and past articles at my Pinterest boards.

I'm still waiting on the illustrators to get me their pictures. I really like the illustrations I've received from one illustrator, but I want to give all those I asked a chance to audition. Some are busier than others.

Having more fun than one ought to reading, writing, submitting, researching and getting published (even with the downs as explained above).


altarflame said...

I love that Swedish quote!

Author Dennise Sleeper said...

altarflame, thank you. When I saw the quote, I knew I had to write about sharing joy. And as I said above, I was amazed at the information I found. Thank you for reading my blog.

Ruthie Spoonemore said...

I like your idea of getting inspiration from FB posts. I need change my mindset when on FB, up to now, It was me"wasting time." :-)