Translation for your convience

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


I took Friday evening and Saturday off. Saturday I enjoyed a great meal at Samurai, a walk around The Falls and then headed home to pick up the children for Seminary Graduation.

Monday I spent most of the day researching for Assignment 6 and know I'll be doing the same for the next few days. Lots to get for what little will actually show up in the writing, but, I feel, that's what research is for. Know more than you need so your writing is intelligent even between the lines.

Listened, a couple of times already and plan to listen again, to Neil Gaiman give an address to the 2012 graduating class of the University of Arts. It's inspirational and motivating. Take a gander and listen to the whole 20 minutes. Well worth your time.

Happy researching and "MAKE GOOD ART" (from Neil Gaiman's address)

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