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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

First Draft Assignment 6 Done

Finished the first draft of Assignment 6, Rage of a Storm Letting it simmer as I read.

Found a great book. I'm really enjoying this author's style and information. The Scariest Place on Earth: Eye to Eye with Hurricanes by David E. Fisher. I've learned a lot in the first 30 pages and expect to continue learning more. (for instance: There are roughly one hundred times more molecules of air inside a basketball, for example, than there are stars This is a "I don't want to put it down book." Going to be hard to work tomorrow. I know the book is going to be calling me.

Plan to read Rage of a Storm at the author's group tomorrow and get their feedback. Once I'm satisfied, I'll send it to my editor and then turn in the assignment for her recommendations. I also need to work on my query and pin down the magazines I plan to send it to.

Happy writing and reading.

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